Kali Parea

Kali Parea which means “GOOD COMPANY,” is the name of our seniors group.

Kali Parea was established 11 years ago, under the direction of Lela Panas.  With the blessing of Fr Andrew and parish council support .The group meets on Thursdays twice a month at 12:30 pm in the St. George Goya lounge. They enjoy a variety of activities including movies, board games or a meal together.

Kali Parea is an important part of our culture of social gathering. These social gatherings sometimes debate issues with historical values from our native Country Greece, in our second country United States of America, and humorous jokes. The inspiration of our members here at St, George as we meet becomes very valuable, because it gives us purpose as we discuss above issues and we acknowledge something very important. “People need other people to survive,” and we call it the “cafe of Agape.”

Contact: Lela Panas