Daughters of Penelope

The Daughters of Penelope is an international women’s organization, an affiliate of the Order of AHEPA, and is considered to be the leader in philanthropic, educational and cultural activities throughout the United States, Canada, Greece, Cyprus and Australia. Aulis Chapter 195 was established as a charter at St. George Greek Orthodox Church on February 5, 1949.

Since then they have worked diligently to raise funds for St. George, and generously support District and National projects, such as St. Basil’s Academy, the DOP Foundation, Penelope’s Place, Penelope House, Penelopean Day Care Center in Athens, Greece, International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC), local organizations such Fulfill Food Bank NJ, Meals on Wheels (Monmouth County), Mary’s Place By The Sea, and Community Hope Fund. Each year they proudly host the annual scholarship ceremonies with a presentation of AHEPA Family scholarships to graduating high school seniors at St. George. Aulis 195 hosts numerous annual fundraisers known quite well within our district such as their Spanakopita Bake Sale and JINGO.  Throughout many years of service, the Daughters of Aulis 195 have always remained steadfast and dedicated in their goal to serve their church and surrounding community.

To learn more about the Daughters of Penelope, please visit:  www.daughtersofpenelope.org
Or visit The DOP Aulis website at:  www.dop195.org

For questions or to join, feel free to reach out to any Daughter of Penelope within St. George, or feel free to email us at:  daughtersofpenelope195@gmail.com